Vijayan (Well known as Pinarayi Vijayan) is a communist politician(eventhough he is a capitalist) and a former minister of Kerala . Currently he is the Secretary of the Kerala State Committee ofCommunist party of India Marxist (CPIM)
He was born on 21 March 1944 in Pinarayi inKannur district. He is married to Kamala and has two children, Veena an engineering graduate and Vivek currently doing MBA in UK.
Political career
Pinarayi Vijayan entered politics through student union activities and eventually joined the Communist Party in 1964. He was the President and Secretary of the Kerala Student's Federation (KSF) and also served as the President of Kerala State Youth Federation (KSYF). During that period, when communists in Kerala were organising the political activities from different hide-outs, Pinarayi Vijayan was imprisoned for one and half years. Late he was elected the President of the Kerala State co-operative Bank. 1970 witnessed his entry in to theKerala Legislative Assembly. He was re-elected in 1977, 1991 and 1996. He was the Minister for Electric power and Co-operatives in the E.K.Nayanar ministry from 1996 to 1998(He has done lavalin scamof 98 crores at that time). In 1998 he became the Party State Secretary. He was elected to the Polit Bureau of CPI(M) in 2002.
- He was detained during Emergency in Jail where he endured police brutalities.
- Was the State President and Secretary of Kerala Student's Federation and President of Kerala State Youth Federation (KSYF).
- Served as President of Kerala State Co-operative Bank
- Elected toKerala Legislative assembly in 1970,1977,1991 and 1996.
- Served as Cabinet Minister in Kerala Government between 1996 and 1998
- Secretary of the Kerala State Committee of the CPI(M) since1998
- Member of the Polit Bureau from 2002 to still Continuing
- The SNC Lavlin Scam in Kerala is a major allegation that rocked Kerala politics .The controller auditor general of india report said that the deal Vijayan had struck as electricity minister in 1998 with Lavalin, a Canadian firm, for the repair of three generators, was a huge fraud and had cost the state exchequer a staggering Rs 3.76 billion. On 16th January 2007, Kerala High Court ordered a CBI enquiry into the SNC Lavalin case.CBI found pinarayi vijayan as guilty.
- His Political opponents are making allegation about the places where his children gets admitted. His daughter Veena is an Engineering graduate in Amrutha Institute of Technology, managed by Amritananda mayi(Marxists accuse her as a prostitute and the money she is making illegal means) and son Vivek, MBA graduate from a B-School in UK(Pinarayi and Sudjhakaran the useless cooperative minister tells Vivek got scholarship.A person didnt have third class mark got scholarship... is Malayalis are fools???) The opponents claiming that this not suppose to happen from the leader of a party which holds strong policies of opposing self financing colleges, as well as holding public accusation aboutAmritananda mayi and their alleged wealth.
- On february 16,2007 the air port security in Chennai Airport recovered five bullets from Vijayan's baggage. The Chennai airport security had let him off after receiving a faxed copy of his license.
- The Editors Guild of India strongly condemned the threats issued to K. Gopalakrishnan, Editor, mathrubhumi daily Malayalam. The threats of retaliation and punishment issued by CPM state secretary Pinarayi Vijayan to the Mathrubhumi newspaper are a direct affront to the freedom of the press. The Guild demanded an immediate end to the intimidatory tactics against mathrubhumi and called upon the Government of Kerala to ensure that there is full protection to Gopalakrishnan and journalists of Mathrubhumi.
- The stand-off between the Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPM) and the catholic church in Kerala took another nasty turn with CPM state secretary Pinarayi Vijayan demanding that the church withdraw a controversial pastoral letter issued recently.The letter had recommended a "liberation struggle" on the lines of the one in the 1950s to liberate the education sector in Kerala from state control.
- Pinarayi got involved in a controversy as the head organising committee of the Nayanar Memorial football tournament receiving money from Pharis aboobaker , a criminal and binami of Pinarayi vijayan, Accused in National kidney foundation scam in singapore described by the Chief Minister as a "Hated Figure".
- There is a rumor that Srimati teacher is the keep of Pinarayi vijayan and ministership is as his gift to her.
Pinarayi Vijayan is a goone leader from Kannur.he emerged into marxist party as unquestionable figure because of his force(if anybody questions he will make silent it like Deepika daily,Achuthanandan...). he is not having any culture(In Kottayam he shouted at Comrades ...it is not Usha Uthup Ganamela...) and shows the quality of his background...what is in blood will not go away with money or fame no...His transaction in swiss account is monitored by Interpoll.There is another rumor that he is having alleged nexus with mumbai gangs of Davood Ibrahim(read this with his affiliation with Madani, Pharis aboobaker..)
hey man, wat the hell u hav written? do u have any proof of wat u r saying?wen u criticise someone do keep manners ok.. how dare u to balme case and culture you culturless
I am not adversed about any political catlogs.. but only onthing I would like to say that.. those who responsibile includining political leadership why hesitate to disclose? where is 85 crores of Rs.. given by lavelin for MCS. where it was distributed.. How a clean chit pinaray vijayan built up 3 crore house... being a labour party leader. yes he can but morale responsability lay on him to disclose the source.......
i dont know why reshma (is it correct name?) is so angry with me...
pinarayi vijayans money is in swiss account only..if an enquiry coming on this it will come out.
his relations with pharis aboobacker...why he protected pharis?
why he is fearing law? because he has so many things to hide...
dear friend ur leader pinarayi vijayan is a third rate goone leader only..he is not like AKG or EMS or Nayanar or Achuthanandan..
he makes marxism a mockery
Can someone tell me which school and college Mr Pinarayi Vijayan attended? I have been searching the net for the same but have not come up with anything. All articles on Mr. Vijayan says he is a graduate. But does not specify graduate in what or which college he attended.
Which caste does he belong to. It really doesnot matter but when we see different caste names assigned to him, it would be nice to know the truth.
About schooling i am not sure.
But his caste is Theeya which is equivalent to Ezhava in Travancore. So both Pinaray and VS is from same caste.(from their activities they are showing also)
in response to RESHMA :
Who the hell are you to ask why the author has written what he has written? Pinarayi is a fraud and the whole world knows it. He and his party full of goons will never see daylight in the next elections. He and his sucker party the COMMUNIST FOKKERS of INDIA will rottt for ever. Pinarayi cant do shit. Ask him to take on people face to face.
Reshma, u belong to that class of culture less who does not have a family background worth talking about. You belong to that class which needs the common man's money to survive. Get a life Biaaat**
It could be true that Pinarayi is infamous for his stands in Kerala Politics. So are other leader of other parties like Muslim leage or Congress. I look at them all with the same eye as a neutral guy observaing kerala politics. But I came to this post is because of only one reason, that I belong to the same caste of Vijayan and I wanted to tell this freind (author)that he is wrong and is a criminal who should arrested by police and sentenced to death before prosecuting Vijayan. I would like to tell the author only one thing, that you don't diserve to live in Kerala where we have already got libertaed from the Aytham and the theendal and looking down on lower castes and other religions. I think you are the most dirtiest fellow on this earth even worst than Vijayan even if he is guilty of a big fraud.
Dear S,
Please dont take it as a casteist comment.My intention was to answer the person who asked the question what is the caste of Pinarayi.I was answering both VS and Pinarayi are from same caste
As you said in Kerala the nexus between mafia is beyond caste and religion.(eg Pinarayi, Pharis aboobacker and Mar arackal, Secularism prevails in mafias also.)
S4 Success - dear friend, come out with your original name and address, never mind if you are in Oxford or elsewhere. You have crossed all limits by writing this crap on Pinarayi.
Now we want you.. You will hunted out from whereever you are.
Dear Ajay,
If you are so particular to know about my whereabouts why you are not giving your address and contact no? When i am writing abot a Mafia King I have to hide my identity, but why you are fearing me...???
So fear is there in everybody, even in marxcist party also,the questions I am asking here is just the same VS achuthandan wants to ask the people of Kerala...
I know as a follower of Communist party you cannot digest this... but the face of truth is cruel than you can imagine
If Pinarayi or Karat could answer the three simple questions which the common people are having,all the pandemonium would cease.But alas,they couldnot do it.Then WHY?
The nexus between Pinaray and Mafia King Pharis Aboobecker is evident from the candidature of Mohamed Riyaz.He got Kozhikode seat only because he is a relative of Pharis. How cheap Pinarayi Vijayan is evident from Sharing dias with Madani - Having obvious links with terrorists in Kashmir and other locations in india - and proclaiming people Abdul Nasser Madani is Secular....
Pinarayi is just a bastard who becomes Chief Minister of Kerala he will sell Govet to Pharis Aboobacker and Mathew Arackal
"he is not having any culture and shows the quality of his caste.."
What a low quality statement!
the comment abt pinarayi's caste, i cant agree with it.
But all the other statements are true becose i made some reserch work abt pharis-pinarayi-arackel gang, Deepika daily is a victim for it.
Count the leaders with pinarayi most are goonda .Jayarajan- seeing him children will scream. Kodiyeri the real Goonda.
Oh god demolish these evil spirits
this party war is defeating the goverment functioning...it is pathetic to watch how they are running the party and government...it was supposed to be a better alternative to udf
Wikimapia dosent show the marking of Prnarayi Vijayn's house !!! why???
hi s4_success, am eager to know ur caste!!!!
Mr. S 4 success...
Are you (S)sucking (4)for success? Does your caste reflects your activities? Let us know your caste, we can tell you what sorts of things you suck for your success.
i understand that all comrades are angry with me... but what to do, some people wont like truth...
I want make one point very clear, Pinarayi, Jayarajan, Kodiyeri are goones in Kerala politics we should not support such people.(Activities of Binish Kodiyeri and Vinod also should be read with this)
A person should not become a leader with money power and muscle power, he should be humble enough to work for the progress of the all section of the society.
Pinarayi is a narcisst leader, he can develop people like pharis aboobacker and Mathew arackal..good people cannot live under his rule.
Support Achuthanandan, he is the real Comrade
Everything written here about Pinarayi is utter NONSENSE.
You should not start a blog to proove this. Most of the literate people will know this. That's all
Reshma you are on the right side..Go ahead...Never mind such kind of bluffings...
If anyone got confused by seeing these allegations...please study history of kerala...you will understand who is who?
Dear Anonymous,
Who is bluffing..pinarayi Vijayan or me???
I have inked those allegations told by Comrade Achuthanandan.This article is not out of just creative thinking but reality, the cruel reality of Kerala Politics.
You cannot become a leader if you are good(See V M Sudheeran) but people like Pinarayi Kodiyeri and Jayarajan are great leaders...What the F**k they have done for people of kerala except F**king Srimathi teacher...
So accept the reality and change..or the people of kerala will make u to change...like parliament election
is srimathi teacher is a keep of pinarayi....?any body have any idea about this rumour. How this lady grown quickly...
pinarayi vijayan azhimathi veeran
sukumar azhikodu napumsakam
I have approved the comment of anonymous saying bad words to show others how desperate Pinarayi Vijayan and his goones. Let him do all these things in his family.
He is asking for my identity, y u r not telling your identity, give your no i will call u, leave your mail id i will mail u, give your address i will send post
Dont aske me to give my identity to a Mafia don, if i want suicide i will publish my identity on net, i Know pinarayi and his goones will kill me for this article
Srimathi teacher is the keep of pinaray Vijayan is an information i got from Comrades in Kannur and Trivandrum, its reliable source only
Oscar Wilde said "politics is the
business of scoundrels". This time
Pinaray Vijayan, the holy man who
called the Catholics Bishops
"wreteched creatures" will have
make confession before the saint
or the devil. He is not going to
escape from this trap for a long
dear S4success.. dont think that you are safe.. whatever part of the world you are...
If you still believe you can keep throwing the crap around and hide forever, you are mistaken my dear...even you are too late to apologize.
Dear Comorade,
Whateveer i have said here is just what V S Achuthandan is telling always,
If your beloved pinarayi is having nothing to hide why he is running away from law of land.Let him resign from Party secretary post and face the judiciary.
the truth is that he is such a coward fearing face the law, he has so many things to hide..
Sorry for joining late in this discussion forum.
I am very glad to see that at last everybody start realizing this goon's (I hate to utter this crap name Pinarayi Vijayan) real character. Still hoping other innocent folks who still support him only because of their faith in CPI(M) should realize it soon.
The fearsom threesome of Kerala politics (Pinarayi, Kodiyeri, EP Jayarajan) should be prosecuted not only for financial crimes but also for murders and attempt to murders. They are the sponsors of all illegal and criminal incidents happens in Kerala from Manjeswaram to Parassala.
How is it possible for a so called humble social worker who is son of a humble toddy tapper, to build laxury bunglows and arrange to get admissions in top colleges in India and abroad for his kids who were certified as exceptional dumbos in studies.
My dear friends who read this posting, don't your blood boils to clean up the mess in Kerala politics.
I believe in quick result, given a chance I would have definitly killed this a**hole at the first moment itself.
If any die hard Pinarayi fan wants to threaten me, pls let me know your number I shall call you ( i donot give false commitment) though I am from California.
In todays Manorama report cliams that 100 crore promised by SNC Lavlin came to India.But only 10 crore gone to Cancer Hospital.Where is the remaining money?
I am really waiting for central govt to pass a bill and reveal the funds indian citizens in overseas accounts.We can see the real face of Pinarayi, Kodiyeri and Jayarajan.
Poor DYFI/SFI Leaders.. It is shame for kerala people to still support pinarayii...
People like Sukumar Azhikkode are still living in stone age. He is like Kuthikunukki pakshi and all CPM followers admire him as a Tower of Knowledge !!! Ha Ha
Hi s4 sucker and all anonymous,
Pick your head all of u and put it back on your shoulders, they are growing on the ground right now.
Usual madness little high strung
but goes worse and worse. Mentaly unstable are u people is an understatement. Well I am not a doctor to give prognosis on this one. I dont know you sound human or not. My question is does the church in kerala have a smoking gun against Pinrayi Vijayan? If s4 sucker is a man of honor let him come out in the open and prove his accusations. Hi u Californian hot
head behave yourself. My name is Gautham I am from Trichur My phone number 04952391885 Calicut. Welcome aboard baby!
It is anybody's guess who acts behind S4 Sucker article. But the pastoral letters can be answered with reciprocal acts from Hindus as well as Muslims. Imagine what would happen then? what do u call it? extermination? Like Krishna Ayyer has asked recently who is this church. Are they ruling India? What for we have the million strong standing army? To fight Pakistan to fight China?
Wake up to realities around you.
I am addressing the annonymous and
suckers of the blog!
Mr.Blog Author,
May I know why my comment did not see light? I have advised u to pick up yr heads and put back on your shoulders becuase they are sprouting on the ground already.
The S4 Sucker and annonymous alike are mentally unstanle is an understatement. Its been very high strung mind you. I have been an observer of this character assasinatiion for quite some time now and it is none other than the church in kerala have a prominent role. There must be a valid reason why u hold a smoking gun against Pinarayi Vijayan. Intellectuals in India attribute it to the fact that he is CPM sec.
I have given my phone number as well as my google identity. Please ask S4 Scuker to talk to me.
I have surprises for him.
My name is Gautham from Trichur.
hey there..
its really funny to find how the media can help mislead the population..
has anybody here seen or has any sort of proof about this so called '3cr costing banglow' owned by pinarayi vijayan?
and about the calicut cpim candidate mohd. riyaz's connection with pharis aboobakker.. the candidate has repeatedly quoted that pharis is in no way his relative by any chance.. actually he was amazed himself to come to know about the 'relation'. the media just stopped the false news. but did nothing to bring the truth out..
and nowhere in this lavlin case, has CBI found that pinarayi vijayan has made any personal profit through the deal. then how is this a case of corruption... and never has he showed any sort of unwillingness to face te law. he was co-operative with the CBI throughout the investigation, which the CBI also agrees..
do you really expect them to give away their identity in such a controvercial topic?
and the way you reacted reveals the sick attitute of the organization you are following..
well that part.. i guess the UDF govt is supposed to answer that.. this project was initiated by the UDF govt.. not LDF.. the LDF govt had asked whether they could go for re-assignment of the project. but this move was opposed by the opposition(UDF) and they had to go with the lavlin tender..
there r a lot of politics involved in this.. its not the way it looks like.. at least not the way it is being portrayed by the media..
so please don't get carried away by the misleading news the media fire away..
that is if you are concerned..
kannadachu iruttaakkunnathinu there is nothing to help..
Dear s4
almost all your observatiions are baseless . u r blind with anger.
how u can say Pinaray looted public moneny.any way CBI report not supporting your findings!
With the available information and evidence even a common man can realize that the Lavlin case is one sided and politically motivated. those who critisise about his house should atleast publish a picture of it.
Pinarayi vijayan is utter polayadi mone, the source from kannur mentioned truth, Sreemathi teacher having illicit relation with pinarayi,one source from Dubai tells this Dilep rahulan, faris abubecker and Pinarayi were in Dubai regarding some conspiracy , at the time of Lavlin agreement. pinarayi Polayadi vijayan is messing cpm with his third rate politics and power of fellow goones kodiari and jayarajan. That slut sreemathi is been used by all these goones, Pinarayi must be prosecuted, truth will come out, if investigation is done in Dubai,with rahulans former associates, Pinarayi Son of the bitch must be punished..long live comrade VS
I can understand u r upbeat becos u people wr able shut mouth of VS. But u cant keep shut the eyes of all malayalees by kairali channel and Deshabhimani
Pinarayi Vijayan didnt get any benefit out of this deal, this is the best joke i have ever heard.
Ready to face case legally, then why the f**k he was trying all the means to avoid going to Court, he made Advocate General to give an opinion not to prosecute, LDF govt was against CBI probe(It was high court ordered CBI probe) now also trying options to go to Supreme Court, Kozhiye kattavante thalayil pooda erikum
Becose of UDF we were not able to give order to BHEL, r u a fool or u r thinking all others are fools like u???
UDF signed consultancy contract only, not procurement agreement, it was solely done by Pinarayi Vijayan, at a high cost compared to BHEL(Balanandan adviced to go with BHEL, pinarayi Bypassed that report)
As per Indian rules an agreement more than 100 crores needed approval from central govt, here that also violated
the main reason fro this contract Pinarayi said was we will get 100 crore for cancer hospital.Whn Varadachari wrote it is absurd, piarayi wrote on file his head should be checked( this file is missing, muraleedhaarn when he was electricity minister took this file and given to pinarayi, for enetering LDF-DICK - which was spoiled by Veliyam and comrade VS.
people of Kerala knows tht who is the real culprit in Lavlin Case, how long he can escape from hands of law, thats all we want to know
I have said some truths that supportsers of Pinarayi cant digest, I still stand by that becos the source of this article is very reliable sources only.
What Comrade VS said in Party forums I am publishing in net,If you dont believe in this story counter it with arguments, shouting on me or sending threatening msgs.
When CPM is wiped out from Kannur and Bengal...the real Comrades will cry, others will shout it is not Ushauthup's Ganamela
I am asking the same questions CPM asked about Rajiv Gandhi about Bofors, when a CAG report came, now CAG report came, High court observation is ther, CBI report came, Governor feels that there is malpractices are ther, but still Prakash karat and team is praising Pinarayi...
what a pity..
what is there credibilty as a communist party.. shame on all comrades
Dear S4,
Your main aim is to establish that CPM leaders are corrupt like UDF leaders. With the court order asking CBI to enquire Karthikeyan’s role it became very clear that the Lavlin case is one sided . Magazine like ‘India today’ can get the evidence against Karthikeyan but not CBI!. Any way the case is in the court now and let the law takes its on course. Don’t try to hang Pianarai before the verdict come.
The main aim of these propagators is to destroy left parties thus hand over the control of our society to some of capitalists. These days religious leaders are turned to be the main entrepreneurs. They know that if UDF is in power they can push through their vested interest with out much resistance. The capitalists want an unorganised society so that they can exploit the common man at their wish. U r the ‘kuzhaloothukaran’ of these forces.
UDF is not run with principles and programs and they r not capable to organise people against any social issues. It is group of tricky people who keep on praising ‘High Command’ and Soniaji to protect their party posts. They never raise genuine public issues but use verbal tricks to woo common people.
Your main target is communist party not Pinarai. It is quite funny to see that people like u are dishonestly admiring Comm. VS
Dear S4,
Your main aim is to establish that CPM leaders are corrupt like UDF leaders. With the court order asking CBI to enquire Karthikeyan’s role it became very clear that the Lavlin case is one sided . Magazine like ‘India today’ can get the evidence against Karthikeyan but not CBI!. Any way the case is in the court now and let the law takes its on course. Don’t try to hang Pianarai before the verdict come.
The main aim of these propagators is to destroy left parties thus hand over the control of our society to some of capitalists. These days religious leaders are turned to be the main entrepreneurs. They know that if UDF is in power they can push through their vested interest with out much resistance. The capitalists want an unorganised society so that they can exploit the common man at their wish. U r the ‘kuzhaloothukaran’ of these forces.
UDF is not run with principles and programs and they r not capable to organise people against any social issues. It is group of tricky people who keep on praising ‘High Command’ and Soniaji to protect their party posts. They never raise genuine public issues but use verbal tricks to woo common people.
Your main target is communist party not Pinarai. It is quite funny to see that people like u are dishonestly admiring Comm. VS
I fight is not against communism, but against capitalists in Communism, i am not against ideology of equality but i am against the way the leders of CPM is now proposing it
CPM now wants power with help of Madani, Pharis Aboobecker(Kidney champ) Church leaders( Like Mar Arackal) Caste based service socities like SNDP and all...How then the diff between UDf and Marxist party, were is their ideology...
I admire VS in his firm stand on ideology, which most of the politicians in Kerala not having..
If w compare Pinarayi and Ommenchandy or Ramesh Chennithala, Ramesh and Chandy are far better.
I want show take out the mask of pinarayi Vijayan and goons and show his real face to the people of Kerala, I am doing it in my own small way
If I am in favour or against any caste religion it is wrong, I am aginst all injustice.
In my ears still i hear Marxist leaders were shouting against Rajiv Gandhi on the basis of CAG report.There was nothing against rajiv in tht report, but like cruel foxes they hunt rajivs blood.
I cant forgive marxist for the non development of Kerala, why real reason for Kerala loosing Hyundai, BMW, Smart city, companies not coming to Kerala.
i hate Marxists because what they proclaim and what they live in real life is in 2 extremes..
For a middle class man like me, udf is far better and the only hope..
But still i admire leaders like AK, PKV, TV, VS... i know many comrades cant digest it...
Once i Told, face of truth is cruel that what u imagine dont support people like Pinarayi for political gain, it will spoil our socity in deep routes
Dear S4..,
Why u insists Indian Communist party to function as they were functioning in 1950s? And u people are so liberal with religious leaders and congress party.
Our society considerably changed that change will definitely reflect in all parties CPM is no exception.
In 1950s also people like u were attacking this party even with the help of foreign secret agents. U started this with unholy ‘liberation movement’ against a holy man like Joseph Mundasserry. U called him ‘mandaa’ ..’ mundaaa’.. , and leaders like EMS , KR Gouri ,AKG were villains for you. It is quite paradoxical that now u are praising them. So please stop attacking this party by falsely claiming that we r cleansing this party.
What is the contribution of the UDF govt for the social development of Kerala can u give any example? At the same we all know that LDF govts contributions for the total uplift of our society. Land reforms, education bill, are the best examples. Even the latest Swashraya bill was a good attempt, unfortunately it could not be implemented at its full meaning due some technical reasons. Here technicality wins public stand to loss!
U r deliberately underestimating our development, it is very clear that Kerela is developed state in India comparing other states. Now u want to change our society similar to that of other states where only rich have higher life standard and other section of the society is living subservient to their rich bosses. For industrial development we have our own constrains land acquiring is the biggest issue. It is very costly here and we r thickly populated. Even UDF cannot bypass this issue. For any development our states interest should be safeguared otherwise there would be facing issues like Killer seed [Monsantro], Dabol Power Corpn[Enron], Plachimadaa etc…Development become a buzz word now but at whose cost or for whose development?
Dear s4…,
Pls. try to understand the things in deep or stop fooling others by wrong propaganda.
Al most all Govt. Funded projects in our country are completed causing ‘avoidable loss’ to the exchequer. We even don’t want a CAG report to understand that only common sense is enough. It is the fault of our system not a particular person, these red tapism and other bottle necks we have been following since British rule. that must be changed. At the same time public money should not be looted for personal benefit, the investigation must go towards that direction.
If CAG report is the base for Lavlin case why only Pinarayi to be implicated wht about other ministers who were involved to complete the project? I know that u people will agree behind the closed doors that CBI is being used by politician.
Dear friend Mr. Pharis is not a supporter of Communist party or Pinarayi but a patron of business. he would try his best to influence those who are in power. He became a villain only after the 60 lakh donation to CPM organised football match. Was he unknown to media until then? There was no hue and cry about the news of giving fund to P.T Usha foundation. How he became the owner of Deepika Daily?
Pinarayi Viajan is a fraud his face itself is a proof. Go and tap toddy that is better job for you, not politics. Most of Thiyya community people support CPM .. why because they want toddy in the evening. These people are senseless they will spoil our state,Vellappali is another example. Those who support Pinaryi and CPM are fools.
@ Anonymous
Ur above statement is the best example for the blind anti communist attitude. The image for Pinarai is given by our media because he does nt ansewer for their stupid questions. They are playing a trick, They just want to provocate and make news out of it.
Those who always smile and speak with honey tongue are more dangerous
The attacks by the corporate media confirm that the left parties are on the right track. The reason as to why these corporate Medias are very soft with religious forces and UDF is very clear that they are of the same interests. Unfortunately almost all Medias in our country are in the hands of these corporate houses.
UDF cannot organise people against any social or political evils as they themselves are not organised. They claim that they are a democratic party. How they can claim that they are Democratic Party when the leaders are being selected either by Soniyaji or by stupid talent scan??
Seen double standarad of CPM when pinarayi approached Supreme Court, Some how they want to avoid this case, this is what legally we will fight
Dear friend pinarayi got money everybody knows, wht he done with that money is the question here
Don’t see things with myopic eye. Legal fight does not mean surrendering to all pressures. Let the apex decide the merit of the case. No one can escape if the charge sheet is strong. Believe in judiciary. Why u r in hurry?
Nobody will support Pinaryi if he is found guilty. At least I will not.
Don’t see things with myopic eye. Legal fight does not mean surrendering to all pressures. Let the apex court decide the merit of the case. No one can escape if the charge sheet is strong. Believe in judiciary. Why u r in hurry?
Nobody will support Pinaryi if he is found guilty. At least I will not.
I agree that the lifestyle of leaders changed and not matching with common people
See how bineesh kodyieri got super job in Dubai
the main problem in kerala is Pinarayi vijayan only ?
IT is the minority appeasment by all parties
Now the question is whether 30 % population muslim can be comsidered minority and get all the benefits ?
When hindus will become minority and kerala becomes another pakistan or Arabia ?
last 15 years a lot of change in the muslim population - a kind of transfering to arabic way of life - leaving the natuaral kerala life ( remeber the old muslim houses and dresses) and even we went for their functions that time but now there is a strange feeling and not much connections
Now in Kannur ,u can see lot of women with purdha- not seen 15 years ago - this way of copying Arbic life will again separate them more from other people
eda s4 succese
ethu politicianada naatil nallavarayullathu
nee dubail vaa ninnte nethavum matte lavanundallo reshama avante nethavum ore pennine pannunnathu kanam. nattile ellavanmarkum evide companyum buissinessumundu.monthly they are coming here to taking there profit to somewhere............
hey whatever mentioned about pinarayi is absolutely correct. Now a daya any child can understand his hooliness and drama of CPM. Dont underrate kerala people, they have the ability to understand "e kalla thirumalliyude athikramangal" so we kerala people will response very strongly against CPM in the near future. Please try to eradicate this cursed party from india.
thanks & regards,
Shan Paul
ee pulayadi monay okkay jangangal kaikaryam cheyyna kalam enna varunnathu?
Pinarayi cannot be called as a leader. He is ruling with his mighty. Most of the followers of our communist party don’t like this fool and they just allow him to continue just for the sake of their positions. So he is not a leader.
I believe those who supporting Pinarayi even after the Lavline case are fools of this century. I don’t understand why people are showing such dogs loyalty to this creature (I am saying this not only about Pinarayi but about all politicians). He ate up our money and wasted the chances for our country/state and still he is living like a king. Why should we allow this? I am feeling so bad about the attitude of our people. The people who is supporting Pinarayi even after all these revealing are just like dogs seen in the market which waves tail for food. I am not understanding why our people do this? We are educated people, we should not do this. We should send people like this behind the bars.
Coming to the party matters, sincerely I was supporting him until he was the minister of electricity dept. But after that he was in a hurry to invade all the powers in the party. Now his attitude towards the common people is very bad. He is shouting at all people in state who is not willing to follow him. He is shouting against Christian bishops, and this fucking creature licking their legs during the election time. How can a politician be like this?
He is shouting at all media person. What he is thinking? Is all media person are his dogs? Are they supposed to write his bible? I feel pity about this man. Frankly speaking he cannot tolerate with any kind of opinion which is against his. He is the keep of all allegations which are done by himself and his fellow goondas, Kodiyeri, Sreemati etc. That is why he is hesitating to give more powers to Achuthanandan and all. If the powers which are held by him are lost many truths will come out and their existence will be under threat.
I feel the future of communist Marxist party in kerala under Pinarayi will be very pathetic. I know the communist followers may feel these comments as very irritating, but what to say these are the thoughts by a normal-neutral malayali youth. I have to say that I have with me 8 people around me while I am writing this. None of us have membership with any of the political parties in Kerala, and we are thinking very neutral. I feel there will be lot and lot and lot more people with this view.
@ Common Man for his post on 27 July 2009 06:37
1. When the common people says some opinion about Pinarayi or Kodiyeri why you are seeing it as against communist party? We are asking Pinarayi to face the lavlin case as any other man in the state would have been faced it. Why you and your brave hearted leader afraid about this? Come and prove yourself. Please remember it is not the duty of common man to preserve and feed this white elephant.
2. When somebody says an opinion against Pinarayi/Communist Marxist party, you easily identifying them as followers of UDF/congress/BJP. Do you believe other people who think neutral are not watching the happenings in the state? Do you mean that all people who think not as you are, should keep their mouth shut?
3. When LDF was in opposition, VS promised that he will bring the people who raped Shari and led her to death. When LDF came into power, he says that he cannot do that. Dear Common man, can you explain why? People who worked in Matha Hospital @ Thellakam, Kottayam says that, the state of Shari when she was in ICU went worse, after Srimati visited her (don’t ask me to put the evidence here, but if you are very particular about the evidence go to Thellakom and ask the common people around the hospital). And most people in Kerala believe that Bineesh Kodiyeri and Srimati’s son have hands in this case. I request Mr. Comon man , before shouting at me, could you please explain me why the LDF government can’t bring the people behind this case? If you can punish the real culprits you can save the faces of Bineesh Kodiyeri and Srimati’s son. Shari’s parents are poor people, they belong to the “Adhwanikkunna Jana Vibhagam”. Why can’t you show some interest on them? Dear Common man, you are shouting about the attacks against Communism and Communist party. Before shouting about the attacks about the party, could you please explain why you cannot punish the culprits who attacked this poor girl? We the common people think “PEOPLE” are more important than party. Why we should bear a party if it is doing nothing good for the people?
Dear Common man, please give me the answers, in a language that any common man can understand.
Milton Jose
poor guys.. throwing crap around without realizing whats happening in politics.. Just blabering UDF and LDF. just think a bit more guys.. maybe whats happeenig is beyond your imagination. but I pity you guys..
This S4 sucker cannot digest the fact that two lower caste men are ruling kerala and they are too strong to be evicted soon. The only hopeless act they can do is try to create split between the two great leaders and enjoy the fighting. keep scraching your ass and relax dude.. avante oru pseudo patriotism... azhimathiyil ninnum keralathe rakshikkan irangiyirikkunnu... phooo..kazhutha kaamam karanju teerkkum ennu parayunna poole.. upper castinte complex teerkkan teri ezuthan ivide blogs ullathu nannayii.. ayyoo paavam.. allathenthu parayanaa.
It is a bad fate that I have opened this site. One who says about caste and creed for critisising a man is surely a bastard. Reveal your identity stupid
Pinarayi Vijayan House Photo via email: CPM leader files complaint against fake photo
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Fake photo of Pinarayi Vijayan's House circulating on the internet
CPI(M) State Secretary Pinarayi Vijayan has filed a complaint with the Kerala Cyber cell against an email which is circulating in the internet. The email displays a photograph of a luxurious house with a caption that it belongs to CPI (M) leader Pinarayi Vijayan. The email is been doing the rounds in the internet as forwards for the last 1-2 weeks.
Ass per reports the house actually belongs to an NRI which is frequently given for movie and television shoots.
Do your Home work before going Public mate!!!!
Oh No!!! I am late. Interesting debate here... So, let me have my part here... To start with, I am a Catholic and am from Thrissur. I am one among majority of Kerala population who don't have a clear political line. Neither Congress nor communist or BJP or any other parties what ever they are. To me, in Kerala, a decade ago, I was thinking I had a frame in my mind that communist party was little bit better than Congress. Not because of their political views or the miracles that they made in Kerala, but due to less corruption and high degree of organisation. But recently I have noticed many things in Left front especially in CPIM that made their nice figure of theirs in my mind break. So here are some of them.
Important: I hope this won't hurt any of the strict communist followers. I don't want to critise anybody here. But just want to share few of my thoughts about them, which party I thought was much better political party than others. So, please don't take it into mind. [Congress, even though have very great principles (only in paper) made by our great Mahatma Gandhi, it is well known for its dirty politics and corruption. BJP, no comments, everyone knows how they became a National Party - Growing everyday by dividing people on religion]. Other small parties for me existing only for power and money.]
1. Terrorism
Terrorism is a word that is generally used for making terror to establish one ideology. This is one thing that CPIM disappointed me. CPIM should understand that parties are for people. People are not for parties. So welfare of the people should come first. No party should think that the people who are not following or are against their ideology are their enemies who should be derooted from earth. Atlast people on earth are living for peace and prosperity. Theme behind every nice ideology is this. So, no matter which party the person belong to, everyone should respect each other. Even in this post, there were many communist followers trying to challeng to kill the guy who posted this blog. This is not fair. It is just like BJP or RSS or Muslim League or what ever religious party people. Dividing the people according to Religion and derroting them. So, please don't threaten the people to kill or beat.
2. Political Immaturity
A recent statement made by Kodiyeri Balakrishnan before Kannur bye-election was a disappointment. He said "In the election, Kannur people know that they have to elect a MLA who is representing Government. Then only the constituency will get help from Government". Now elections are over and CPIM got defeated (An trend in the election that is always against the ruling governement in Kerala - No matter what the party is). This what the minister told is not fair. There will be elections and parties will fail or gain. But once when a Government is elected, that Government should stand equally for each and every individual of its ruling state.
3. Heirarchy
Every one in CPIM is afraid of Pinarayi. Why? Beacuse of his hot-tempered nature. Come-on, unless you get rid of this habit (Not-withstanding for a guy who lives his entire life for others), you will be never get a place in the people's mind and what ever you are trying to achieve by spending whole of your life will be gone.
Now, I have to suggest CPIM that, you have to use this well organised party for a real revolution in Kerala. A revolution of development of the whole state rather than concentrating only the parties development. I assure you, if CPIM tries to do so, they can achieve it in icredible passion and majority of people including me will bring back CPIM as their favorite party in their mind.
Reshma is right, these fatherless have no proof against Pinnarayi, yet they would pop up something from vaccum and say that, here is the proof. The recent email prpoganda about Pinnarayi's house is a classical example. Those jackals are now hiding in their holes.
Cyber cell arrested two people who sent a posh house's picture thru email,saying it is Pinarayi's house
sooksichirunno mone
stuff it man, here the link for people like you : http://www.mathrubhumi.com/story.php?id=67257
10 years before when i was doing my Engg i was happy thinking about being in India,in Kerala,in my village so that I can be with my family and relatives and live a happy common man's life. After my studies I was in Hyderabad for 3 years and 4 years in US. Now I have came back to India for good, because of all the emotional attachments thinking India is better for me.. !! But now when read Malayalam news paper or talk to people about Kerala everyday its all about brutal murders, fights , accidents blah blah blah.. nothing has improved !! infact everything has got worse and even worse..
I feel that Kerala is in its way to become Bihar !! Just think about what are we leaving for the generations to come.. !! a land of hatred and fight in the name of religion or politics or whatever it may be.. the security feeling within oneself has gone down in Kerala in last a few years !..
everyone knows these.. but nothing that we can do about making things better.. No one is following any rules/regulations.. no developments.. a few flyover works which started in NH47 is still in the same stage after 5 years.. in Hyderabad the made a 13 km flyover in 2 years !! people will have 1000explainations but what are we achieving at the end !! all accidents and deaths !! things need to improve.. not just in developments !! but also in terms of lifestyle, educational facilities, job opporutnities and most importantly security of mankind !!! if a Paul M George(not saying that he was a good guy) can be killed and police can come up with stories which they change whenever they want in 2009 any idiot can kill you 10 years down the line for Rs10. And of course when we are old we will have to run away from this Gods own country for our own safety !!
VS is a good leader but not a good CM.. I dont feel like there is a govt in Kerala now.. Pinarayi and gang - no comments.. overall this people party leaders should have some humanity after all !! let them learn that ! even congress is not different but defenitely better than this.. !! I dont like any parties which bring religionism/regionalism into Politics..
everyone needs money without doing work.. we wont follow any traffic rules.. we are the most busiest people in the world..brutally kill or beat him up if someone talks against your view or thoughts.. "quotations "!! Gautham from Trichur !! you seem to be well educated and a voracious reader too!! still you sound like jerk a who doesnt have any kind of tolerance and that exactly defines God's own country now !! Well Done and soon RIP 'God's own Country'!!
I dont know what my dear comrades are going to tell about the following details...
* The SNC Lavalin controversy in Kerala is a major allegation that rocked Kerala politics . The Comptroller and Auditor General of India report said that the deal Vijayan had struck as electricity minister in 1998 with Lavalin, a Canadian firm, for the repair of three generators, was a huge fraud and had cost the state exchequer a staggering Rs 3.76 billion. On 16th January 2007, Kerala High Court ordered a CBI enquiry into the SNC Lavalin case.. On 21st January 2009, CBI filed a progress report on the investigation in the Kerala high court. Pinarayi Vijayan has been named as the 9th accused in the case. . CPM backed Pinarayi saying that the CBI move was "politically motivated". The CPM led Kerala Governemnt decided not to let Vijayan to be prosecuted in the case. Overruling the cabinet recommendation, the Governeor allowed CBI to prosecute Vijayan based on prima facie evidence. Though CPI(M) called Governor's move un-constitutional, Karala Chief Minister V.S. Achuthanandan said there is nothing surprising or wrong in Governor's decision. CPI(M) leadership is under moral pressure to take action against Vijayan as it had taken strong stand in similar cases involving their allies in the past. People close to Pinarayi Vijayan in the party has started collecting money from businessmen and party workers as aid for Pinarai Vijayan
* With Kerala Governor's recommendation to prosecute Vijayan in the SNS Lavalin case, he became the first Politburo member in the CPI(M) history to be prosecuted in a corruption case .
* There is criticism about the places where his children got admitted for education. His daughter Veena is an Engineering graduate in Amrutha Institute of Technology, managed by Mata Amritanandamayi Math and son Vivek, MBA graduate from a B-School in England. Critics suggest that this is not supposed to happen with a leader of a party which holds strong policies of opposing self financing colleges, as well as holding public accusation about self claimed "god" like Amritanandamayi and their alleged wealth..He has also been accused of building a palatial Bungalow in his native place,Pinarayi. Critics say that it is suspicious that a communist politician born in a poor family is able to finance expensive education for kids and construction of palatial bungalow. There are allegations that Pinarayi Vijayan is closely connected with the real estate mafia in the state. Most of his critics in the party were silenced by suspension, expulsion or threats.
* On February 16, 2007 the air port security in Chennai Airport recovered five bullets from Vijayan's baggage. The Chennai airport security had let him off after receiving a faxed copy of his license.
* The Editors Guild of India strongly condemned the threats issued to K. Gopalakrishnan, Editor, Mathrubhumi Malayalam. The threats of retaliation and punishment issued by CPM state secretary Pinarayi Vijayan to the Mathrubhumi newspaper are a direct affront to the freedom of the press. The Guild demanded an immediate end to the intimidatory tactics against Mathrubhumi and called upon the Government of Kerala to ensure that there is full protection to Gopalakrishnan and journalists of Mathrubhumi.
* The stand-off between the Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPM) and the Catholic Church in Kerala took another nasty turn with CPM state secretary Pinarayi Vijayan demanding that the church withdraw a controversial pastoral letter issued recently.The letter had recommended a "liberation struggle" on the lines of the one in the 1950s to liberate the education sector in Kerala from state control.
* Pinarayi got involved in a controversy as the head organising committee of the Nayanar Memorial football tournament receiving money from Pharis Aboobacker, a controversial business man described by the Chief Minister as a "Hated Figure". Kairali TV channel, controlled by CPM, aired an exclusive interview with Pharis Aboobackar soon. There were reports that Pinarayi faction pushed for the interview, to take a swipe at V. S. Achuthanandan.
* On 16 October 2007, Pinarayi had called Paul Chitilapally, the bishop of Thamarassery in Kerala, as a "wretched creature" for his "lie". He was speaking in a memorial remembrance of Mathai Chacko, MLA from Thamarassery. Later, the Roman Catholic Church in Kerala is up in arms against the CPM leadership as his comments against the bishop. However, he repeated the wordings and stick with the comments he had mentioned. This made a heated discussion among the Catholic community across the state and has protested against his speech by closing all educational institutions and churches.
* During "Nava Kerala Yatra" lead by Pinarayi Vijayan, a youth hurled footwear at him in Payyannur, Kannut district. This incident, happened in the CPM strong hold of Kannur district received wide spread attention as it was immediately after Vijayan was named as accused in the SNC Lavalin case.
* In regard to controversial murder of industrialist Paul Muthoot, Pinarayi Vijayan has made a statement that the murder was done using an "S" shaped knife and such knifes are used by RSS workers. Soon after this, Asianet news channel investigation showed that the Kerala police had asked a local blacksmith to make an S shaped knife, which is believed to be the one they later claimed to have recovered from the accused. This raised doubts about Pinarayi's interest in the murder and its investigation.
* News reports have appeared about the disproportionate wealth he, a poor toddy tapper's son, amassed and the palatial house he built in his village named Pinarayi. Reports were also made in the press of four young party men being suspended for visiting his house.
For friends telling me to be careful, i have said about Pinaraiyi lavlin case, same doubt people of Kerala also having, thats why governor approved for trial in the court.I have done is publish my opinion on that case, i have my freedom of speech and no comrades can stop it by shouting bad words or below standard language.( I have published whateveer comrades said so that let my readers understand what in the minds of comrades.)
I have nothing fear, Kozhi kattavananu pedikendathu, they have to go to Supreme court in order to escape from law, they have to stop those who speak against them, Lavlin kallante thalayil 100 croresinte bharam undu
Dear s4,
Why Lavlin Issue not been discussed in recent By election?
Hey..then tell me why Pinarayee is getting support of almost all the members of CPM State Committee and PB? Don't they have brain? They are all sincere and great leaders.....If Pinarayee innterested in money he can stick to the post of minister without taking post of Secratary....CPM leaders are not after power or money.....Congress and BJP leadrers are corrupt and fighting for power....
Pinarayi arennariyamo... porattathin nethavu.....if all the communist leaders gone for higher studies and professional careers, many would have become CEOs or Chairmans.....they came to politics not for making money but for the cause of equality and socialism.....
@ Anonymous 15/11/2009
Dear frnd u r welcome to critises Communist party and its leaders. But it should be based on facts. Don’t, go after propaganda. If u have nothing political u try to attack personally. This u creatures r follwing since the formation of Communist party in Kerala. U will be knowing the present status of the Propagda about Pinarayi’s House , Kodiyri,s sons’ relation with Russian lady, Achuthanadan,s Sons’ nexus with Tcom etc.
Don’t, try to portray that Pinaray or Kodiyri are the owners of the communist party.
still castism in kerala hw can u behave like this.i belong to thiyya community i never hesitated to disclose my cast,but ur playing hide and seek.come out man u s4 arrange a randasvous ivill come there to teech u who r thiyyas .
Don' you people have any other business other than fighting for an issue that is not serving or supporting our objective to achieve something good for the benefit of Kerala and for the sake of humanity, nevertheless spread negative energy among us?
I am ashamed of you and advise you to involve in something which will have positive effect on the society. Best wishes
This is not Roshys world but some bastard like ronnies world.
You started your blog stating Pinarayi has 3 crore Rs valued house. Can you show that house ? Now your friend, who is under the scanner of Cyber crime bureau , is going to face legal actions. What is your opinion on this issue? All of your false propaganda to tarnish the immage of progressivce movements in the country will get a suitable reply today or tomorrow by the intelligent people . You dont think all are fools.
I have no proof that Pinarayi Vijayan is corrupted. I have read a lot about Lavlin case but I am confused about the allegations. I can also say that I have no proof that Pinaray is not corrupted. In fact I can say as an ordinary citizen I have no proof against any of those political leaders whom we say are corrupted. I agree that at least in some cases like Bofors the newspaper stories looks like a good logical explanation of a serious case. I just wanted to know from those who are spreading these stories about corruption charges whether any one has a good proof about corruption. If they do not have that then what they are doing is a crime and that needs to be punished. Many are hiding behind anonymity which is a cowardly act and how can we trust them?
Mr. Nizar,s comment is highly appreciated. We need people like this especialy when non political issues are getting undue importance.
Is there no brave malayali???Why is it impossible for someone to take the photograph of the real house of Pinarayi Vijayan? Millions of Keralites want to see it, but noone is courageous to do that! Or, does he not have a house? Or, will cameras be blinded when trying to take the photo of his house?
If all the campaign against him is wrong, publishing the real photograph will do good for Pinarayi Vijayan too: let his followers know that he is a great leader!
hello dear whole holy anti communists im sure that ur so much scrupulous to find out reason to disgrade communists leaders in all periods even EMS was really fighted against this kind of allegations they are amded with malyala manorama, mathrubhumi and police forces and court and 3rd greade ploticians from kerala now they got a big weapon thats CBI nothing else if ur too vigilent about corruptions in lavlin cases why u couldnt uphold this matter in all seasons why u trying it in election tym.anyway from ur notes i can understand the literature of anti communists even they r from leaderships of congress and league bz they r living with the traddition with those they lead rally in medical college hospital of kozhikode when great leader A K gopalan was admitted there sufering sickness their slogan was"kalan vannu vilichittum pokathathenthey gopala"i think the if its was againstEMS and AKG that tym now its against the storngest leader pinarayi vijayan,anyway im proud abt my leaders heart how its strong even all forces barking against him with heavy loud voice u cant destroy him until our hands r totally with him poliyadi mone ennokke vilikkanulla ninte dhyryam njan angeekarikkunnu,, but poliyadi mone ninakku dhyramundoda ithokke oru vediyil vechu parayan,, yes im actually challenging u bloody
nobody can disgrade oru pinarayi until he is living in our heart so i think its better to stop this effort 4 make a new root 4 himalayan chennithala and penu perukki kunjalikuty
Dear Comrades,
I think debate in this blog is deviating from topic.It is not my intention to prove one caste is better than other or Pinarayi is bad because he is from particular caste.I intended to convey his cultural background is bad and that is reflecting in his deeds.If i have have made any bad comment about any caste I am sincerely apologicing for that and hurting there sentiments.
Dear comrades my fight here is not with Pinarayi Vijayan the person.I personally dont know him.I am fighting against the political mafia he represents.Politics of muscle power, politics of money, denial of press freedom, blood bath in Kannur, Denial of free election, denial of freedom of speech... i am against all these.
Many friends told that Pinarayi lives in there heart, good to hear that, but remember if Pinarayi lives in there heart Marx and Engels will not live in their heart.
My friends you are asking me there is many creative things to be discussed in Kerala, what we have to discuss.. were to have bandh and harthal tommorrow???
How to stop Smart city coming to Kerala??
How to strike against Super highway??
How to get more advertisement for party channel and paper??
Were to start next party amusement park??
How to avoid questions on Chinese incursions and China supporting and arming Maoists ???
How to escape from question on failures in West bengal...
How to divert from questions on discrepancies in Kannur Voters list???
How to avoid question on how vinod got admission in Aritas college in Kochin and got scholarship to go to Birmingham(UK)
How Veena got seat for her stuies...???
When putting case against people who manipulated house also how avoid media from publishing a picture of that...
so many interesting topics to be disscussed, definitely i will come with some of these topics for your friends
Experts from Asianet news report after they have done an investigation on Pinarayi...
There is criticism about the places where his children got admitted for education. His daughter Veena is an Engineering graduate in Amrutha Institute of Technology, managed by Mata Amritanandamayi Math and son Vivek, MBA graduate from a B-School in England. Critics suggest that this is not supposed to happen with a leader of a party which holds strong policies of opposing self financing colleges, as well as holding public accusation about self claimed “god” like Amritanandamayi and their alleged wealth.He has also been accused of building a palatial Bungalow in his native place,Pinarayi. Critics say that it is suspicious that a communist politician born in a poor family is able to finance expensive education for kids and construction of palatial bungalow. There are allegations that Pinarayi Vijayan is
closely connected with the real estate mafia in the state. Most of his critics in the party were silenced by suspension, expulsion or threats.
Report of India today
* Vijayan and state electricity board officials conspire to award renovation contract to SNC Lavalin at a higher rate
* Consequent loss to the board and state: Rs 390 crore
* Vijayan goes to Canada but fails to get a binding agreement from Lavalin on a grant for a cancer care centre
* Lavalin gives only Rs 12 crore of the promised Rs 105 crore
* Consequent loss: Rs 86.25 cr
* LDF cabinet not informed of the agreement with Lavalin for the cancer centre
According to the interim progress report filed by the CBI in the high court, Vijayan had hatched a criminal conspiracy with the other accused to award the contract to the firm at higher rates in violation of rules, causing huge losses to the state. It has also been found that Lavalin’s failure to furnish funds for setting up a cancer hospital in the state had also robbed the state exchequer of Rs 85 crore.
Yes Sir (anonymous)
They will show you the real photo of pinarayi's house at the airport when you land on vacation next time.
Spreading rumours, false allegations, propoganda, hatred abusive and arrogant language etc. became silly matter and an easy walk over through internet.
Personally I have nothing to do with party or opposite but it is high time to stop it.
Appreciate police and intelligence wing for taking action in time.
s4 success i want to inform u one matter now days so many mafias came to filed to washing the face of anti communists leaders as in ur listen can i ask u one matter?
hve u ever listen the dealing with snc lavlin company in diffrnt tenure of g karthikeyan and pinaryai vijayan?
in all fileds pinarayis stipulations waas so much favour to kerala state better than that maded by karthikeyans and its a clean evidence b4 the kerala peoples.but i agree u that all medias in kerala except deshabhimani and kairali channel its in the side of anti communists.so we hve some limitations in campaign this all matters.and CBI i think its never a fully free from the hold from the ruling party at centre there are many examples to congress used this agency 4 their own intrests recently they submitted a special writ in supreme court to free sonia gandhis relative octovia quotrochie from cases regarding with boffors case its a simple example 4 its activities and in snc lavln case too the court has to interfear to re investigations against g karthikeyan who was the minister who dealed with lavlin company 1st here we can find only 1 reason against pinaray vijayan nothing else he is a communists and from opposite party but the sonia gandhi and karthiekyans are the boss of CBI so we cant do anything against them sir.. india is not so much developed as the goverment fearing about public intrests sir..leave pinarayi vijayan,, and fight against him by work against his party and his ideology stop personal assasination dear congress man
hello my dear blog author iy did u hide my notes yesterday which i wrote supporting pinarayi vijayan and indicated CBIs misrule accroding to the congress those ruling in centre? so u like to publish the openions of bastards like s4 sucker?u must say frankly if the aim of ur blog is to tarnishing reputation of communist party leaders in kerala.if s4 sucker hve any evidence 4 pinarayi vijayans 3 crore rupes banglaw why should he hesitant to publish in any media? mr pinarayi vijayan invited atleast 50 news reporters in his home belong to the reception of her home and all they attempted the functiopn and back aftr a snack party but nobody take a pic and and published a little news abt pinarayis home bz it was really contrary to their former reports and scandals abt comrades home its the real example of prostitutional journalism going on kerala now.. a wayanadu forest engrocher veerendra kumar is leading this media mafia we well know abt it one day all facts wil come out including the matter of sns lavlin that day will be the brightne carreer of our comrade pinarayi vijayans political life and 4 ever shut up 4 all vayadees we r waiting 4 that day actually
Hi Everybody
comments from you people are really interesting. As most of the persons speaking about Pinarayi Vijayan had you people had saw the latest news related to his actual house which came very recently in the party related newspaper janashakti. From this news what I can observe is Pinarayi is trying to hide informations related to his investments and his real face this is not good for a comrade party. I respect VS in some of his transparencies but why communist party is not asking Pinarayi to more transaparent in his activities. We can see what all havocs made by SFI as part of self financing colleges then Why the party leader send his son to UK for studies that is real conflict in his attitudes. Our dear finance minister had always complaining about capitalastic views and against US. Then why he had arranged for the delivery of his wife in US to get his child a US Citizenship.
Previously I was much interested with the views of CPM. But now I can't digest the leaders who should lead the party are not in the track according to the party views.
Do you peoples remember a small incident. A famoust writer Sara Joseph was always a strong supporter of CPM in her writings but once she had written some article related to the UK Education of Pinarayi's Son. This made hated figure to the party. From this it make sense nobody should speak against the leaders they are supreme commander. Why communist party is getting flopped in major coutries is because of this inequality which is there in party with common men and leaders. CPM always need poor people because if there no poverty then there is no relevance of the party. So my view is to have a good mixture of capitalistic and communist views in ruling which can be really helpfull to every one. So my dear comrades who are strong supporters of Pinarayi Vijayan are you dare to take the photo of the Leaders House. I challenge you all for this.
And Big question to you all comrades who is working in US.Why you are working US? Why can't you try in Gods own Country Kerala?
CPI[M] corrupting marks of s/c students in calicut university
Dear All,
Pinaray will withstand all allegation from Congress Pimp Manorama & Mathrubhumi (eg. Mr.Veru’s dirty summersault, Mammen announcement of suicide if Communist comes to power). Hai Guys please use your commonsense (even though not common).
Hi All,
Like most of keralites I belive pinarayi had something to hide in lavillin case.
To all the ignorant - Pinarayi sympathizers !! It is very easy to close your eyes and make it dark. Open your eyes - my dear friends !! Have a look a what this third rate goondaraj has done to our state. Earlier we had comrades like EMS, Govindan or Nayanar who commanded a little bit of respect. Now the capitalistic communist maharaj is out to take down the last real communist in the entire system - VS. I really appreciate the blog author for his work - However i suggest all of us to contibute more to expose this so called communist.
I am so surprised to see how people can run smear campain
AS S4 said pinarayi the 'gunda' does not know what is socialism and communism he is actually a capitalist,how much wealth he has amazed..god only knows...just look at the face of jayarajan, even a kid will say he is a fraud and a wicked man.is there any criminal case where bineesh kodiyeri;s name is not involved..there is no smoke without fire..
This Propaganda stunt against communist party started since the formation of this party.
prominent leader of communist part sakhav pinarayi vijayan
Had Pinarayi been a UDF leader and he acted in the way as the blogger alleged there would not have any bad remarks. AKG, EMS and Nayanar were not the favourate ones to media!
Any one who believe it or not Pinarai Vijayan is the worst Secretory for the state of Kerala.If the CPM wont change his leadership the beautiful party will die soon. CPM was one of the wonderful ceder party till With EMS, EK Nayanar & VS. I sadly say the body language of Mr.Vinarai Vijayan is not suitable for a leader. He may be a good party worker or administrator. I wont say that he made lot of money or done scandal etc. But he is not suitable for state secretory post.
Kudos to s4success,
I dont know this reshma.is she srimathis in law who got posted as her cook.
s4success has to keep writing about these goons .
i beleive pinarayi bishoparackal,pharis,kunjalikkuty,abdulvahab are all part of one big group with busuness interests in dubai,singapore and other foreign countries .
i dont want to write in detail but ihave a few questions
why is pinarayi afraid of lavalin inqury.why he has kept the most expensiv elawyers in india at the supreme court if he is a clean guy.
what is relationship with a guy like pharis whose interview in a channel showed how cultured he is and who has history of scams
why did he share a dias with a known goonda like madani who still has enquiry going on against him
why is sch an aura of secrecy surrounding the pinarayis infamous bunglow .if its such a simple house let him get a media visit his house and take some pictures and show it to the people and comrades.
i congragulate s4 sucess in his venture to tear open the masks these goons are wearing.
I am proud that at least people like you are not scared to challenege the "communist feudalism" in Kerala. Friend these are very few facts that you have pointed out.
its true that the CASTE STRUCTURES and SYSTEMS are still practiced in KERALA if very closely monitor the POWER DISTRIBUTION...
First on cast and then on pinarayi...I am a Jacobite Christian and a businessman.There seems to be some truth in S4's comment on cast.My community, FROM MY EXPERIENCE,is generally selfish and money minded.Most of my bad debts are form a community which has the least respect for the law of land and their sole purpose in business is to cheat.They also believe that they alone are noble and all other religions are fraud.One cast ( generally) is very hollow in their thoughts and often exhibit a feeling of cult.They have an identity crisis,since they are neither in the aristocratic bracket nor in the lower lot.
Coming to Pinarayi,there is no doubt that he is just a goonda turned politician.Both Jayarajans, Sashi and Kodiyeri all come from the same stable.Leaders should be educated and with good exposure.These people are not meant to rule such a literate state.Communism is only a hypothesis.They promise the elusive paradise and the poor cling on to this promise.I am person who knows all these thugs in person.Maybe,except Achudanandhan,all are corrupt to the core and hypocrites.Like the dung beetle which needs dung to survive,communism needs the poor and have-nots.Why do u think they advocate lottery and liquor.
As the West German chancellor once said... we did not want communism because we don't want to be ruled by taxi drivers and porters,,,Not that these professions are bad,but it needs good genes or bright brains to be a good leader
First on cast and then on pinarayi...I am a Jacobite Christian and a businessman.There seems to be some truth in S4's comment on cast.My community, FROM MY EXPERIENCE,is generally selfish and money minded.Most of my bad debts are form a community which has the least respect for the law of land and their sole purpose in business is to cheat.They also believe that they alone are noble and all other religions are fraud.One cast ( generally) is very hollow in their thoughts and often exhibit a feeling of cult.They have an identity crisis,since they are neither in the aristocratic bracket nor in the lower lot.
Coming to Pinarayi,there is no doubt that he is just a goonda turned politician.Both Jayarajans, Sashi and Kodiyeri all come from the same stable.Leaders should be educated and with good exposure.These people are not meant to rule such a literate state.Communism is only a hypothesis.They promise the elusive paradise and the poor cling on to this promise.I am person who knows all these thugs in person.Maybe,except Achudanandhan,all are corrupt to the core and hypocrites.Like the dung beetle which needs dung to survive,communism needs the poor and have-nots.Why do u think they advocate lottery and liquor.
As the West German chancellor once said... we did not want communism because we don't want to be ruled by taxi drivers and porters,,,Not that these professions are bad,but it needs good genes or bright brains to be a good leader
Panam Nari Vijayan
Dedicated Young Fools of India
cbi means congress bureaue of investigation.several times our apex court{supreme court} critcised central govts{wether congress or bjp} dont misuse the excutive power to silence the political rivals.2g spcetum latest vote for money revealed by wikileis are all pointed to rahulgandhi,soniya gandhi and mr clean manmohan {ex world bank executive}.every body know that all our print media and the media had thrir own political interest and business interest.neera radia tape revealed that much respectable ratantata also had interest in foul poltics.we are living in a degenerated india.another indepednece struggle is necessary to eradicate this bloody corrupting politics.
hhhmm i am willing to give bribe to congress men rather than giving vote to these scoundrel/bastards.
PK shrimathi that bitch she is well known pimp to father and son kodiyeriiis,it runs in the family.
goonda tycoons culture deterioration is all that we got from these people
these communist party should completely removed from kerala politics for our children sake .
I remember my childhood in kerala when it was peaceful and nice .Now it is some place where i don’t want my kids who are girls to grow up .
He sold Kerala CPIM to Mafias long back. He blames US for each and everything and look what he did.
Check it here
I wonder now commies will say US is needed for investments and job? Oh Yeah? Then why dont you hail capitalism in open, instead of admiring it in closed rooms? Masked thugs!
Al Faces in politics or in fame or in money is the real face of satan or evil - only thing those who want to save is ur own soul from this evils follow the footsteps of JESUS wait and see when angel raise the temperature of the hell, if you and me saved then we can laugh upon this fellows
Graduated from Osmania university Chathen Kulam, Specilaised in Vandalism and hooliganism
I came across this blog only now. So, kindly excuse me for this very delayed comment.
All political parties and political leaders today are corrupt and there is no point in painting one party alone as bad.
Let us all try to improve the land.
Very interesting set of comments. I have been reading a lot about Kerala politics lately. I am an NRI and do have a lot of respect for real communists. The role of communist activists in the development of Kerala as a state is undeniable. We must never forget leaders like EMS.
That being said, I feel that the days of the idealists are over. I believe that Sri Achuthanandan is a clean politician. I do personally believe that Pinarayi is corrupt and does not deserve to become the Chief Minister of Kerala. He must be removed by the central leadership.
The caste comments are really mean. I am a Christian and do not believe in the Indian caste system. They have suffered enough. Let us remember people like Dr Ambedkar and his contribution to the Republic of India. God has created all of us as equal people. The caste system must be abolished in its entirety.
Kerala has become a haven to quotation gangs. Instead of facing people politically, resorting to murder has tarnished the image of our great state beyond repair. It is time to arrest these goons and everyone else connected to them. Once they are behind bars, they need to be reeducated about a better way of earning a living than simply killing people for money.
Communism is an ideology from the past. Wherever exploitation of the poor and the laborers exist, these theories will still have a role to play. Kerala needed it at one time. Now is the time to take it forward. This tiny state can become another Singapore if all the resources are pooled together. A couple of good companies will provide jobs to these poor people. Communists know that very well. They just want the poor and the laborers to always remain like that so that the party will have a base. Communism is a theory of the past.
On to Pinarayi, on the day that he is removed as the leader of his party and replaced with a clean, progressive idealist will do a lot for the development of Kerala. He simply needs to go.
there is so many controversy regarding vijayan's house. if anyone from kannur pl post his house pictures. thx
Pol Pot of Kerala
very well done......your stupidities are the same thing that idiot boxes like manorama, mathrubhumi have been chanting for decades....you are no different.....These so called media didnt had the guts to speak against emergency and they think they can hurt people's movement in the red soil of god's own country......decades back their target was EMS, AKG, NAyanar, now its Pinarayi Vijayan..... same people who called EMS and AKG as anti national terrorists are now calling Pinarayi Vijayan Feudal Mafia lord....... By the way, it is the people like KM Mani, OOmen Chandy,KV Thomas who live in mansions worth crores....not Vijayan, i have personally visited vijayans house...
And after all its not your mistake, diseases should be treated... I think treatment is available in Kakanad and Ulampara......
veena.T. his daughter is president R.P.TECH @techno park how did that happen ? SHE was ajunior engineer at bangalore. R.P.TECH is company ravi pillai. also how did she get 16 lakhs worth diamond necklace from sunny diamonds but paid by kitex group. I can reveal the source of information
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