Deepika Vice Chairman served writ of summons over Singapore Charity Foundation Scandal
Sunday, 11 June 2006
Pharis Aboobacker, the current Vice Chairman of Rashtra Deepika Ltd, which publishes Deepika Daily, has been served with writ summons from Singapore in a charity fund scandal worth S$ 5.28 Million. Mr Pharis, is a friend of Mr. T.T.Durai, the former Chairman of National Kidney Foundation, Singapore and a business associate of Ms Chua, another member on the board. Pharis is a Calicut based new billionaire, who is reportedly having strong political clout in the state and national level. During the BJP rule, the news paper believed to have recruited many Sangh Parivar scribes to protect its business interests. Loss making Indiavision Television Channel is also allegedely under the take over threat of him.
Deepika is the first Malayalam daily established in 1887. After a takeover by few business men, the newspaper lost its credibility as an independant media. Pharis is a close friend of the influential Christian Bishop of Kerala, Mar Mathew Arakkal, who is serving as the Chairman of Rashtra Deepika Publishing Company. Its director board also include, Mr. Joy Alukkas, the owner of Dubai based Alukkas Jewellery. Mr Pharis is named in the suit as the fifth defendant in NFK scandal which rocked the national politics of Singapore. A full independent audit on its finances was conducted by KPMG, and a 442-page report released on 19 December 2005 revealed several malpractices by the former NKF board and management. On 17 April 2006, Durai was arrested and charged under the Prevention of Corruptions Act by the Police.
Pharis also serve as a Business Advisor to the Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai, along with T.T.Durai, Former NKF chairman, Singapore. GLI panel include industrialists like Ratan Tata, Madhur Bajaj, Kumaramangalam, K.B.Chandrasekhar, John Fisher, Jamshyd Godrej, G.P.Goenka, Deshbandhu Gupta, Dr Abid Hussain, T.Kannan and others.
Pharis Aboobacker found in India, served writ of summons over NKF caseBy Pearl Forss, 07 June 2006, Channel NewsAsia
SINGAPORE : Pharis Aboobacker, who is being sued by the new National Kidney Foundation (NKF) to recover S$5.28 million paid to three of his firms, has been found in India and served the writ of summons. The Indian national is a friend of former NKF CEO T T Durai.
His company Forte Systems and Protonweb Solutions had entered into contracts with NKF worth millions and were paid even when software was not delivered on time.When the KPMG report on NKF was made public, Pharis was not in Singapore and could not be contacted.Three weeks ago, lawyers for the new NKF obtained a writ to serve it on him overseas, and last week Pharis was located in Chennai, where the writ of summons was served.If Pharis does not come back to Singapore, a judgement can be made against him by default.NKF will then have to decide if they will proceed to take legal action in India's courts. - CNA/ms
New NKF seeks over S$12m in damages from Durai, four others
Channel News Asia, May 23, 2006
THE new National Kidney Foundation (NKF) management is seeking more than S$12 million in damages in a civil suit against its former chief, three former directors, and a business associate.Lawyers explain that several unquantifiable claims, upon assessment before the courts, could tip the scales beyond S$12 million.All the claims were detailed in an 85-page statement to the High Court on April 24, and NKF lawyers Allen & Gledhill say unquantifiable ones make up a substantial portion of it.The new NKF claims it suffered losses not only through improper payments, but also in its credibility, resulting in a drop in donations and support from volunteers and agencies.The charity alleges that the loss of its reputation and goodwill in the eyes of the public has resulted in a drop in donations from existing donors as well as those who had cancelled regular donations.Projects such as the charity shows were also affected and there has been a drop in the number of volunteers and support from medical, government agencies, and corporations, both within Singapore and abroad.It was therefore seeking compensation for breach of duty from the five defendants, TT Durai, Richard Yong, Matilda Chua, Loo Say San, and Pharis Aboobacker.Said defence lawyer K Shanmugam, "Part of it is quantified; part of it is unquantified. Some parts of it, NKF has put a dollar claim -- what is the claim amount -- and some part of it is a matter for the court to make an assessment after hearing evidence as to how much is the damages."The quantifiable claims alone amount to:+ S$2.1 million in salaries, bonuses and other benefits "improperly" paid to Durai;+ S$4.08 million for loss of donations in the form of Lifedrops income;+ Over S$556,000 in legal costs incurred when Durai and the old NKF brought a defamation suit against Singapore Press Holdings;- And S$5.28 million paid to three companies linked to Pharis Aboobacker.Mr Pharis, a friend of Durai, is in India, where relevant authorities are in the process of serving him the writ of summons.He is the last of the five defendants to be told he is being sued by the new NKF.Durai has been given additional two weeks, till May 31, to file his defence.Richard Yong and Loo Say San filed their defence last Friday, while Matilda Chua is expected to do it at the start of the week.Failure to file by the stipulated time would allow lawyers for the new NKF to apply for judgment against the relevant defendants.Channel NewsAsia understands the trial is expected to begin in six to nine months.Meantime, the criminal cases against Durai, Yong, Chua, Loo, and former NKF staff Ragini Vijayalingam will be mentioned again on June 19 at the Subordinate Courts.At the pre-trial conference on Monday, the defence asked the prosecution for more documents pertaining to the charges. - CNA /ct

nazrani deepika the face of syro malabar catholics started by CMI fathers in 1887 now goes into the hands of a muslim named faris abubakkar.this fucking guy is a pro pinarayi vijayan factionalist(communist party of india marxist) recently he has given Rs.60 lakhs for E K Nayanar memorial football championship in malappuram.If the news by Mathrubhumi daily and India vision Faris is head of mafia.He dont publish his photographs and his all deeds are making suspicion.
Singapore kidney foundation is in big debt because of faris only. he cheated the singaporian foundation very nicesly.(muslim will show his nature know) faris abubakkar is having links with al qu
the role of bishop arackal also makes stinking something.Anyway history and catholics will not forgive Mar arakal for giving deepika to muslim.
NKF civil suit The NKF is entrusted with public funds to be used properly for the benefit of dialysis patients. Serious wrongdoings had taken place and damage had been caused to NKF’s reputation because of a misuse of its funds. That is why we chose to pursue the claim against the previous management.Mr Durai conceded to judgment on the third day of the trial.The remaining Defendants have all conceded today to judgment with costs, in the terms of the NKF’s claim, in full. We are very pleased at this outcome and, in particular, at the speed with which this has been achieved. It is vital for the NKF to safeguard its reputation and integrity. The outcome of this action helps vindicate the sense of justice among Singaporeans.The NKF thanks its donors and looks forward to continued support from its donors.The NKF would also like to thank Allen & Gledhill for their assistance in this case.Gerard EeChairman, National Kidney Foundation
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It is with deep anguish and regret that i note this silent betrayal of the flock by the church. 121 years of legacy gone down the drain. The innumerable contribution of the deepika in association with the church is no more. The catholic and independent voices will now be stifled. i ardent reader of deepika will stop reading it from today. deepika is not mine anymore but some hardcore third rate communist criminal.
Daa Coppe,
Pharis Aboobakkar is a business man and he knows how to do business. He has cleared his role in the Singapore scandal. He is smart and brought Deepika. U fucking guys don't have money..so what's the big deal..yes..blame muslim here too..what a silly Thread
This is a fucking manupulated story to destroy the communal harmony in Kerala!! be aware of such threats and such blogs, such humiliated news channels.
Best wishes to rashtradeepika and there BOD.
Fucking Achumaman dont have the right to call anyone a "Verukkappettavan" all these happening because he himself feels that he "ALREADY VERUKKAPPETTU" from his Party Highcommands and the people. Treat him and this issue as an Alzhimer Patient's dialoge and get rid of this issue.
And yes you could probably explain why he gave crores to PT Usha's academy too? Any political motives there? So what if he takes over deepika, might give it a secular outlook. The oldest newspaper in kerala deserves it anyway.
I being born to a christian community in Kerala is ashamed to see the pethatic Greed for money and power in that community. Syrian christians should think twice - Syria is a muslim country, do you have any credential to call yourself a alian and cry for minority status? Kind of cirus? Latins also fall in the same category. Religion was used by the west as a tool to market people on the sensitive side and capture places. West don't belive in organized religion any more. Last few years traveling around the globe, I'd noticed most of the churchs are sold or for sale. Kerala minorities are the real GREEDY kinds. See the religious leaders there. Do any of them know there are "aborginies" who have come to main streem in wayanad but they don't have land or money. 2 communities possessing them all are christians and muslims. Crazy eh. Rest all is with MP Virendrakumars family. I have gone to see his house, he literly owns that mountain. Rest 2 minorities own. Shame on mankind.
I completely agree that Mr.Pharis is a courageous and young bussiness man who helped Deepika to come up from a bad phase and gave a donation as a helping mind and is been targeted by the media and politics and the CM just beacuse he is a young muslim guy & rich & a very smart bussiness man.
He is been titeld as hated person,Kidney thief,mafia and whatnot whatnot.For god sake u hell of guys stop throwing tantrums to some one who you really dont know about.
And the websites and information about Pharis ,that any one create about any one.Even i can create any amount of blog and websites about Achunanthan and put it in internet.Dont such blindly believe what is written with out seeing the facts.Pharis has boldly come in TV and challenged Achunanthan against all his allegation towards him and to whole world too.what more a person can do to prove his innocence.Do these accusers have any proofs for their allegations? why dont they prove it?All these poloticians keep changing their statements without sticking into it.
Achunathanthan take a chill pill before you hatred by the Kerala people.
da anonymous,
pydei anodei pyeru vekkan?
mathai here
i just saw faris's interview on kairali tv and i think this guy is got the balls to publicly challenge anyone including the kerala chief minister, he may be a fraud as all of you say,,,,,, but how many of u can challenge like him in broad daylight. It goes without saying hes got business in his blood.
Check the following link from the news paper
UPDATED: 07:51, January 09, 2007
Singapore's kidney foundation trial kicks off
Singapore's National Kidney Foundation (NKF) trial kicked off Monday and the former chief executive T.T. Durai and members of the old board are sued for allegedly breaching of duty resulting in losses and damages.
The new NKF is seeking to recover some 12 million Singapore dollars (about 7.8 million U.S. dollars) it claims was improperly spent by the old management on salaries, benefits and failed contracts.
Beside Durai, the other four defendants are former chairman Richard Yong, former treasurer Loo Say San, former board member Matilda Chua, and Durai's business associate Pharis Aboobacker.
The whole event leading to the suit started with an article in The Straits Times on April 19, 2004 which led to Durai suing Singapore Press Holdings for defamation.
During the trial, the revelations of Durai's high salary and travel perks, as well as the inaccurate information the charity provided the public about the amount of its reserves, led to the resignation of the board and Durai himself in last July.
Subsequently, the management practices at the old NKF came to light after a six month investigation by KPMG, an audit firm.
The NKF scandal triggered large scale of public discontent last year and then Singapore government tightened charity regulations.
After this eight-week civil case, Durai and some other member of the old board will have to be present in court to face criminal charges. The criminal proceedings is due to begin at the end of February.
Source: Xinhua
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peruvekkan pedi undayitalla mone.
ninne pole kalla peruvekkan agrahamillanittu aanu
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